A Warm and Caring
Jewish Congregation


Learn about Conservative Judaism

Conservative Judaism

Congregation Agudath Jacob is a member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ).  Founded in 1913, the USCJ is the main congregational organization for Conservative synagogues in North America. Conservative Judaism, known as Masorti Judaism in Israel and elsewhere outside the United States, is a worldwide movement and the USCJ is a part of a larger family of Conservative Jewish organizations.

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Rabbinic Seminaries

The Jewish Theological Seminary

The Schechter Institutes

Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano

Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies

Professional Organizations

The Rabbinical Assembly

Cantors Assembly

Jewish Educators Assembly

North American Association of Synagogue Executives

The Joint Retirement Board for Conservative Judaism

Men’s Clubs and Women’s League

Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism

Youth and Education

National Camp Ramah

United Synagogue Youth

Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center

Ramah Israel

The Conservative Movement Worldwide

The Jewish Museum


Masorti Olami

Masorti Foundation

Book Publishers and Presses

The Jewish Publication Society

Aviv Press

Judaism in Texas

Jews were among the earliest settlers of Texas, arriving in the 16th Century with the first wave of primarily Spanish explorers. These were Jews of Sephardic origin, and many became conversos or crypto-Jews, as they were unable to freely practice the Jewish religion. In the mid 19th Century, Ashkenazim (European Jews), primarily from Germany, were among the first people to settle and build organized communities in Central Texas. The Jewish religion has been practiced in Texas for almost 200 years, and organized Jewish religious life in Waco dates to the second half of the 19th Century. Numerous historical, communal, and religious organizations and resources exist to support the religious and secular life of Jewish Texans.

Anti-Defamation League Texoma office

Austin Jewish Academy

Baylor University Jewish Faculty & Staff Association

Baylor College of Medicine’s Jewish Institute for Medical Research

Camp Young Judea Texas

Chabad-Lubavitch of Greater Austin

Dallas Community Jewish Federation

Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum

Dallas Kosher

Encyclopedia of Southern Jewish Communities – Waco

Greater Waco Interfaith Conference

Houston Holocaust Museum

Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas

The Jewish Outlook

Shalom Austin

Southwest Jewish Congress

Temple Rodef Sholom

Texas Hillel

Texas A&M Hillel Foundation

Texas-Israel Alliance

Texas Jewish Historical Society – lots of great links to explore

Texas Jewish Post

URJ Greene Family Camp

Yehudi Men’s Night Out

4925 Hillcrest Drive • Waco, Texas 76710 • (254) 772-1451