A Warm and Caring
Jewish Congregation

Services & Learning

Religious Services & Adult Education


Congregation Agudath Jacob holds services every shabbat and on holidays.  Daily minyanim can be arranged by request for shiva (mourning) and yahrzeits (anniversaries of deaths).

Kabbalat Shabbat services are held Friday evenings in the chapel at 6:00 p.m.  This service generally lasts an hour or so.

Shabbat shacharit services are held Saturday mornings in the main sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. This service generally lasts about two hours.  Kiddush and snacks follow the service.

Holiday service times are announced on the website, in the bulletin, and in email announcements.

The congregation uses Conservative siddurim (prayerbooks) for its worship:  Siddur Lev Shalem on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, and Mahzor Lev Shalem on High Holy Days.  On other occasions, usually on holidays or special services, we use a variety of specialized Conservative and Orthodox siddurim.

Non-members and other guests are always welcome at our services. However, as a courtesy, please contact the office (by telephone or email) to let us know if you would like to attend, so that we can alert our security personnel to permit you to enter the building.


Congregation Agudath Jacob children who are of school age (pre-K to grade 10) participate in our congregational religious school. Classes are held Sunday mornings from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Monthly all-school programs and shabbat service attendance are also required. We have used a variety of materials, including Institute for Southern Jewish Life curriculum.

In addition, Rabbi Lanxner meets with students as they begin to prepare for their bar or bat mitzvah (about a year or so before their 13th birthday).

Beside formal adult classes, the rabbi is happy to meet with any individual or group to study the topic of their choice.

4925 Hillcrest Drive • Waco, Texas 76710 • (254) 772-1451